Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 2, 2016

AXP-02-Z-50 - Solid-shaft Speed Changers and Reducers - Miki Pulley Vietnam

These models add a belt-type stepless speed changer to an AXM solid-shaft geared motor. They are about 20% lighter and smaller than our previous belt-type stepless speed changer (0.4-kW model).They can also operate at high torque while at low speeds (compared to the 0.4-kW model), not a traditional strength of inverters.

[Specifications] AXP-02-Z-50-10 to -60-□
Motor capacity [kW] (4P)0.2
Speed reduction ratios102030405060
Output shaft torque50Hz [N・m]14~722~1231~1734~1941~2445~27
60Hz [N・m]13~522~930~1333~1540~1844~20
Output rotation speed50Hz [r/min]50~20025~10017~6812.5~5010~408.5~34
60Hz [r/min]60~24030~12020~8015~6012~4810~40
Mass [kg]14.0
[Diagram of External Dimensions]
[Specifications] AXP-04-Z-60-10 to -60-□
Motor capacity [kW] (4P)0.4
Speed reduction ratios102030405060
Output shaft torque50Hz [N・m]28~1349~2465~3377~4184~4796~54
60Hz [N・m]25~1144~2059~2771~3378~3889~44
Output rotation speed50Hz [r/min]50~20025~10017~6812.5~5010~408.5~34
60Hz [r/min]60~24030~12020~8015~6012~4810~40
Mass [kg]21.0
[Diagram of External Dimensions]
[Specifications] AXP-07-Z-70-10 to -60-□
Motor capacity [kW] (4P)0.75
Speed reduction ratios102030405060
Output shaft torque50Hz [N・m]53~2595~46123~63155~81151~87151~102
60Hz [N・m]48~2087~37113~50143~65145~70144~82
Output shaft rotation speed50Hz [r/min]50~20025~10017~6812.5~5010~408.5~34
60Hz [r/min]60~24030~12020~8015~6012~4810~40
Mass [kg]31.5
[Diagram of External Dimensions]
[Specifications] AXP-15-Z-80-10 to -60-□
Motor capacity [kW] (4P)1.5
Speed reduction ratios102030405060
Output shaft torque50Hz [N・m]106~51187~94250~131263~164252~166215~143
60Hz [N・m]96~41170~76228~106251~132242~159204~143
Output rotation speed50Hz [r/min]50~20025~10017~6812.5~5010~408.5~34
60Hz [r/min]60~24030~12020~8015~6012~4810~40
Mass [kg]47.0
[Diagram of External Dimensions]

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